CMS Overview

The Celestial Mapping System (CMS) is a software platform to generate virtual 3D globes for celestial bodies within our solar system.

Multiple planetary data layers can be added to the virtual globe to provide visualization of high-resolution imagery and elevation data, which enables precise measurements, tools for analytical capabilities, and a broad range of other functionalities to assist planetary scientists and mission planners. Third-party planetary data can be ingested into CMS with minimal effort.

The present focus of CMS is on developing lunar mapping tools and features: 3D first person view with zoom and navigational capabilities, realistic terrain visualization based on LRO data, measurement tools, Apollo, CLPS and international mission landing site annotations, 3D Models, stereoscopic view, terrain profiling, line of sight analysis, sunlight shading, and many more. The application has been developed to provide situational and domain awareness on the Lunar surface, planning capabilities for equipment placement, and traverse path optimization.

Current Capabilities

    Visual Imagery & 3D Models
  • Accurate displays and geometric figures of lunar imagery, terrain, and place names of known location
  • Ability to accurately measure and profile terrain elevation
  • Georeferenced imagery of Apollo landing sites
  • High quality graticules

  • Layer Management
  • Server access to implement new datasets and high resolution map layers
  • View precise locations of CLPS and international landing sites
  • Access to WMS layer manager

  • Navigation
  • Automated “Fly To” points of interest and pre-loaded layers
  • 2D minimap with click to navigate functionality
  • "Go To" decimal degree coordinates feature
  • Navigation capabilities including view controls, scalebar, and graticules
    Measurement & Analysis
  • Ability to calculate and display lunar terrain intersections from a central viewpoint
  • Import/Export for KML, CSV, ESRI shape and GeoTIFF files
  • Run sophisticated viewshed analysis showing line of sight obstructions due to terrain
  • Viewshed analysis

  • Equipment & Feature Placement
  • Searchable table of over 7000 named features that can be sorted and clicked to display placemarks and their annotations
  • Interactive 3D models of Apollo astronauts and vehicles remaining at the Apollo landing sites
  • Ability to add customizable named placemarks at a set of coordinates
  • Place 3D models of equipment with line of sight analysis
  • Save and load equipment placement icons
  • Stereographic "3D" view of the lunar surface

Future Plans

    Enhanced Visualization
  • Ability to simulate a “first person view” with situational and domain awareness of a vehicle traversing the lunar landscape​
  • Ability to visualize map projections from other celestial bodies
  • Subsurface visualization & analysis
  • Virtual reality support

  • AI Tools
  • Artificial intelligence-assisted data enhancement
  • Advanced 3D visualization with intelligent search-by-example
  • Ingestion of planetary datasets (PDS) with AI-assisted tools
    Additional Mission Planning Tools
  • Mission planning capabilities for equipment placements and traverse path optimization
  • Plug-in architecture for specific use cases
  • Lunar resource assessment
  • Real time satellite tracker
  • Simulation of cislunar satellites